by Jen Johnston part 9 of the At Shelf: Signs blog series

I know, the title of this post is a real groaner. But it’s true, channel strips are very narrow. Wondering why you would ever want to sacrifice space to squeeze a message into a space typically only 1 inch or so high instead of using one of these other types of shelf signs? Read on!

Channel Strips Defined

These signs click or slide into the channel in front of the shelf. Due to their location, the message space is very narrow. The simple headlines used in channel strips are great attention grabbers. You can also use channel strips to further differentiate between your SKUs as shown in the example below.Channel Strips

When to Use

Brands that have many SKUs at shelf may opt to use channel strips to differentiate their product selection from the others. If you have a simple concise message to share, a channel strip can be an impactful way to deliver it.

When Not to Use

Channel strips cannot accommodate a large message, so if you have a lot to communicate, you might want to try a sign with more real estate, such as a folded shelf talker or aisle blade. Be careful also to understand how your retailer partner uses the shelf channel. If they have SKU information or price tags placed there already, the approach may not work. You could consider channel strips that flip down or extends the channel. Again, work with your retail partner to ensure the best fit.

Remember, as previously shared, it is important to work with your retail partner to understand their shelf sign guidelines or recommendations. Every retail chain is different.  Make your buyer a part of the process prior to having signs produced. It can be helpful to present them with digital renderings of different sign options: wobbler, wiggler, aisle violator, folded shelf talker, and flat shelf sign.

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