13. Develop a customer profile

June 26, 2014By 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy, Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

By Julie Bonnell for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series The better you know your customer the better you can customize your products and services to gain and retain business.  Here is one easy way to gain insight into your customers: At the checkout, affix a large map of the community you … Read More

35. Answer the phone professionally

June 10, 2014By 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy, Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

By Barb G.  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series How do you create a consistent and positive impression when your customers call? By answering the phone professionally. First, answering the phone within three rings shows your customer you are respectful of their time. Create a tag line to be used by … Read More

What Are You Doing?

April 28, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

by Dave Wendland for Drug Store News UpMarketing Blog April 21, 2014- Harkening back to managing an improvisational comedy troupe in San Diego and prior to that participating with a Milwaukee-based group, one of my favorite improv games was “What are you doing?” In this shtick, two performers stand together on stage. One begins performing a … Read More

A new tool for your business

April 10, 2014By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

Posted by Megan Moyer I’m excited to direct your attention to a new e-book from Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. that we authored, that offers ideas and actions you can take to boost your business. The e-book is titled “Community Pharmacy: Foundation for the Future,” and it is a 30-page guide to improving your marketing strategies and some of … Read More

2014 Diabetes Roundtable from Drug Store News

March 28, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

March 2014 – In December 2013, the Drug Store News Group hosted an exclusive roundtable discussion of leading pharmacy retailers and a select group of key vendors. Moderated by special guest Dave Wendland of Hamacher Resource Group, the panel tackled a wide range of issues, including implementation of the Affordable Care Act and how it will impact the practice … Read More

Medicated skincare manufacturers are missing an opportunity

November 20, 2013By Behind the Shelf Blog, Brand Marketing

by Jenny Kosek Attention medicated skincare manufacturers:You don’t get female consumers. Well, acne product manufacturers might. Visit the website of any of the major acne treatment lines, and you’ll see attractive, fresh-faced, smiling young people cavorting about, proud to show their acne-free faces in public after using the advertised product. There are positive tips and tricks … Read More