Resolution: Identify top-selling items and complementary products for cross-merchandising

July 17, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Tara Kaifesh, category analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Are you a medium or large format store looking for ways to increase sales? One way is to identify your top-selling items and pinpoint cross-merchandising and selling opportunities for them. Start by determining which items are top sellers. There are a few ways to do … Read More

Resolution: Identify my customers’ expectations and how to meet them

June 30, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Kathy Hagen, data assets specialist, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series In thinking about how to identify customer expectations, I thought it best to first establish that expectations are different from needs. You can’t determine a customer’s needs until the customer is in your store. That’s when you’ll know if they need a prescription medication, … Read More

Resolution: Try a new idea every month

June 14, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Nelson Rodriguez, junior category analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series As a retailer, you need to constantly be giving your customers a reason to come back. Sure, there are your prescription customers who may have a built-in need to return to your store on a regular basis, but even those shoppers need motivation to … Read More

Resolution: Better connect with my customers

May 30, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Lisa Lopez, data assets associate,  for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Your customers are critical to your store and the better you can connect with them, the stronger your business becomes. I’ve been a certified pharmacy technician for 18 years. Even though I work full-time at HRG and I’m a mom, I continue to work … Read More

Resolution: Regularly check for out-of-dates

May 23, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Kelly Zygowski, junior category analyst,  for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Your number one goal for your front-end should be to always provide a pleasing shopping experience for your customers. Of the many elements that contribute to that goal, an important one is ensuring your stock isn’t expired. Looking at the 27 categories we review … Read More

Resolution: Offer endcap solutions to my pharmacies

May 9, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Tom Boyer, director of national accounts, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series As a distributor, you provide your independent pharmacy stores a number of tools and aids to help them improve their business. When it comes to merchandising solutions that will offer the most return on your effort, look to endcaps. Endcaps are the second-most shopped area … Read More

Resolution: Get to know my customers better

April 4, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Michele Feldner, category analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Getting to know your customers better is a goal to always strive toward because it will provide long-lasting benefits. Once a relationship is built with someone, they’re more likely to become regular customers, and having a strong foundation of loyal customers is necessary for businesses … Read More

Resolution: Catch my staff doing something right

March 28, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

By Colleen Volheim, category research and analysis manager, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series In our everyday activities, we are often so busy that we tend to focus on what may not have gone as planned and how we will do things differently the next time. What can be much more productive, however, is to take … Read More