Wholesaler decision-making process

July 29, 2015By Behind the Shelf Blog, Future of Retail

by Dave Wendland Perhaps at one time – many, many years ago – manufacturers introducing new items could meet with drug wholesale buyers and convince them to bring product(s) into their inventory. Warehouses were big, and the idea of being a one-stop solution to the retail customers served made all the sense in the world. … Read More

42. Visit with your wholesaler for new ideas

December 11, 2014By 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy, Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

By Tom Boyer for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series Every independent pharmacy has a relationship with a wholesaler. Think of your wholesaler as a vital partner in your success rather than just the company you order goods from. Wholesalers are regularly developing new programs and services to … Read More

Connected and vital

October 17, 2014By Behind the Shelf Blog, Industry Intuition

By Dave Wendland According to the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors, wholesale distribution accounts for approximately one in every 20 jobs in the United States. Certainly within healthcare distribution and as touted by the Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA) – they are the vital link. An annual report published by McGladrey, LLP on behalf of the nation’s … Read More

Five reasons data matters

November 22, 2013By Behind the Shelf Blog, Data Analysis and Management

Posted by Dave Wendland Imagine the accuracy of item look-up and the ease of consistent reporting if the source data was in better condition. If information is indeed the “new” currency, then drug wholesalers need to take measures to ensure their item files are comprehensive and current. As more and more organizations have migrated toward … Read More