Can’t we just get along?

August 5, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

by Dave Wendland, as seen in Healthcare Distributor magazine, Out of the Box column February/March 2014 Is the art of effective negotiation, collaboration, cooperation, and compromise lost forever? That question was posed by a fellow passenger seated adjacent to me during a recent flight. The question is one that I have struggled with — especially last October as Congress … Read More

Onward and Upward

July 12, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

by Dave Wendland, as seen in Healthcare Distributor magazine, Out of the Box column June/July 2014 There are six words that could stymie the growth of any organization, “That’s how we’ve always done it.” Of course nobody really believes that you can keep doing the same things over and over again expecting different results. Yet, it amazes me how … Read More

Guiding Shoppers, Building Communities

July 8, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

When it comes to supporting shoppers who follow specialty diets, simplicity and visibility are keys to building loyalty and repeat sales. By Jenny Kosek for Grocery Headquarters Gluten-Free and Free From Handbook 2014 In January 2014, Roundy’s Supermarkets launched an in-store shelf-labeling system called “Health Keys.” Products that fell under one or more of 18 different … Read More

Say What?

June 17, 2014By Brand Marketing, Views

by Dave Wendland for Drug Store News UpMarketing blog Some suggest that the art of effective communication has been lost forever. We are living in a world of instantaneous, rapid-fire communication. I fear that our desire to respond rather than reflect has resulted in a society that spends more time trying to clarify rather than … Read More


June 1, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

by Dave Wendland, as seen in Healthcare Distributor magazine, Out of the Box column December/January 2014 Too much, too little, too late. That’s what I’ve heard for years within the consumer healthcare industry. If you have too little inventory you risk lost sales. If you have too much inventory, you’ll need more of everything — more space, more transportation, … Read More

Product Packaging Involves More Than Meets the Eye

May 5, 2014By Brand Marketing, Views

by Dave Wendland for Chain Drug Review April 18, 2014 In a multipart series during 2014 our team will examine key product attributes and marketing tactics from two different perspectives — the consumer/shopper and the retail buyer. Our hope is that retail and wholesale buyers and product manufacturers will benefit from an objective picture of … Read More

What Are You Doing?

April 28, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

by Dave Wendland for Drug Store News UpMarketing Blog April 21, 2014- Harkening back to managing an improvisational comedy troupe in San Diego and prior to that participating with a Milwaukee-based group, one of my favorite improv games was “What are you doing?” In this shtick, two performers stand together on stage. One begins performing a … Read More

Back to the future

March 29, 2014By Future of Retail, Views

by Dave Wendland, as seen in Healthcare Distributor magazine, Out of the Box column October/November 2013 While at a recent industry event, I found myself becoming rather sentimental and quite reflective. As a result, I decided to sift back through the editorials I have written over the years for E.L.F. Publications. I can’t believe my … Read More

2014 Diabetes Roundtable from Drug Store News

March 28, 2014By Industry Intuition, Views

March 2014 – In December 2013, the Drug Store News Group hosted an exclusive roundtable discussion of leading pharmacy retailers and a select group of key vendors. Moderated by special guest Dave Wendland of Hamacher Resource Group, the panel tackled a wide range of issues, including implementation of the Affordable Care Act and how it will impact the practice … Read More