Becoming a Basket Case

April 16, 2015By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

by Dave Wendland There is a tried-and-true adage that 80% of business comes from just 20% of customers. While the so-called 80/20 rule may be anecdotal, analysis consistently confirms that customers who have spent money in the past are more likely to spend money in the future. Making Cents of It First, it’s important to … Read More

48. Recommend your private label/store brand

March 30, 2015By 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy, Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

By Tom Y. for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series Let’s Talk About Your Private…..Label In my first blog post, I discussed the benefits of using energy-efficient lighting in your pharmacy.  In my second post, I discussed how to clean your pharmacy floors. In my third and final … Read More

You conduit, you.

December 30, 2013By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

Posted by Dave Wendland Although difficult to predict given the rollout issues and ongoing debate around the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there are emerging opportunities afforded community pharmacy. In this post I will share four areas worth examination: 1) accessibility; 2) education; 3) coaching; and 4) medication compliance. First and foremost, there is the benefit of … Read More

Collaboration is the key to success with independents — part three

December 16, 2013By Behind the Shelf Blog, Industry Intuition

Posted by Megan Moyer My previous posts inspired by the supply chain collaboration white paper sponsored by HDMA and CHPA covered the first two action items for healthcare distributors: program development and SKU rationalization. Today I’m elaborating on the last action item, making the most of your primary interface to both suppliers and pharmacies. As a … Read More


December 13, 2013By Behind the Shelf Blog, Future of Retail

by Dave Wendland It seems that virtually every retail format is gunning for independent and regional chain pharmacies. Dollar stores (Family Dollar, Dollar General, etc.) have broadened their assortment of health, beauty, and wellness products significantly. Mass merchandisers (Target, Wal-mart) continue to build new promotions and programs around their wellness and personal care initiatives. Convenience stores … Read More

Superhero status

October 29, 2013By Behind the Shelf Blog, Future of Retail

by Dave Wendland You won’t find them in capes, leaping tall buildings, or catching bullets in mid-air, but these white-coated professionals are indeed healthcare superheroes. And I believe the role of the pharmacist in the United States is about to become more pronounced. Healthcare reform is dictating the need for front-line healthcare professionals to guide consumer … Read More

No flu shots at your store? You can still build sales during flu season

October 8, 2013By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

0by Jenny Kosek Two-thirds of U.S. pharmacists have completed the 20 hour pharmacy-based immunization training offered by the American Pharmacist’s Association. Have you? All 50 states allow pharmacists who have completed this training to offer immunizations in their stores, positioning those pharmacies to attract consumers who seek convenient immunizations without the need to schedule doctor’s visits. … Read More