by Tom Boyer for the Lasting Impressions blog series

Next in this Lasting Impressions series is a discussion on the value of signage and having product information available.

Signage is one of the most important elements to providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers. Giving your customers indicators of where they can find what they are looking for is necessary for easy navigation around your front-end. If your store is 2,000 square feet or more, you should have directional signage to avoid shopper frustration. Positioning navigational signs at the ends of aisles, in aisles, and overhead covers all the bases.

In addition to having navigational signs, promotional signs are also very helpful to customers. Promotional signs can point out new items, those that are on sale, or direct patients to other remedies that are popular companion purchases. Shelf signs are non-invasive and can be inexpensive, yet very effective in boosting sales. “The pharmacist recommends” is a popular and effective sign that you can place near health and wellness items that you often find yourself advising as a treatment. There are a number of different styles of signs that can be used at shelf, some more elaborate than others. If you’re interested in a description of the types of signs, there’s a whole series about them that our senior marketing services account manager wrote. The series is written for the manufacturer audience, but you will understand the difference between a wiggler and a wobbler after you’ve finished reading.IMG_0025

Sales can also be positively impacted when informational signs or educational materials are present. Especially if the product is a new form, an innovative remedy, is more effective when used as part of a larger treatment regimen, or has a new use. These types of signs and materials are most impactful when they are located near the product. Some product features and benefits can be effectively summarized on a shelf sign, others require a pamphlet or oversized card to include all of the pertinent information. If you don’t have space within the department, consider creating a special endcap or display. Often manufacturers or your wholesaler provide guidance for display of the sign or materials, or you may need to get creative to incorporate educational materials into your shelves.

If you aren’t currently receiving these types of resources, ask your wholesaler what’s available, or give us a call and we can describe our TEMPS® category management program which is designed to help you merchandise and sign your store. Next in this blog series are important reminders about how your customer interactions are integral to leaving great impressions.