By Althea R., data assets associate, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series

Just like some wardrobes are changed out with the varying seasons, store displays need to be as well to keep things fresh. Your endcaps are highly visible locations that should be changed often. You can plan around holidays, events, or come up with something that pertains to your local area or the store.

One of the great things about endcaps is that you can cross-merchandise products from different categories, bringing different parts of your store together. You can also use a little creativity when designing an endcap.

Here are some possible ideas to use during the year:

  • For the start of a New Year, think about Baby Care (“Baby New Year”) or categories where people may have resolutions (Smoking Deterrents, Vitamins & Dietary Supplements, Weight Management/Nutritional Foods, or natural and wellness products).
  • February is Heart Month — focus on blood pressure monitors, pedometers, and supplements for the heart.
  • May is Dental Care Awareness Month — focus on Oral Care for both adults and children. (Make sure the endcap is not located near a candy display.)
  • With lots of outdoor activities during the summer months, feature products from categories like Sun Care (don’t forget about products containing SPF from other categories), Wound Care/First Aid, Deodorants or Shaving & Grooming.
  • June is Men’s Health Month — focus on supplements, hair care, and shaving & grooming products specifically for men.
  • In July, design a red, white, and blue display where packaging is all red, white and/or blue to celebrate Independence Day. You could also feature all products that are made in the U.S.A.
  • August is National Eye Exam Month — focus on Eye Care products including supplements specifically for eye health.
  • When is your state fair? Feature products from companies that are located in your state.
  • September is back-to-school — feature products for relaxation and aromatherapy or items specifically for children (this could cross many categories).
  • October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month — display products that donate a portion of their proceeds to breast cancer support groups or products in pink packaging. It is also Talk About Prescriptions Month (OTC Pain Relief and Digestive Health [taken orally], as well as Vitamins & Dietary Supplements and how they relate to prescriptions that are taken).
  • For winter months, feature Cold & Allergy (don’t forget lip moisturizers), Thermometers, Humidifiers & Vaporizers, Skin Care, and Foot Care.
  • November is National Diabetes Awareness Month — focus on Diabetes Care and Weight Management/Nutritional Foods.
  • There’s lots of feasting and over-indulging during the holidays — consider featuring Digestive Health items.
  • Survey your customers about what some of their favorite products are and feature an endcap of “Customer Favorites” one month. Do the same with your employees in a different month for “Employee Favorites” or “Manager Favorites.”
  • What month is your store’s anniversary? Display products you have carried since the store first opened.

This is just a sampling of ideas for changing your endcaps every month — there are hundreds of national themed months out there! One website to look at is  where you can also view national and international days and national weeks. You can also view the Upsher-Smith Promotional Event Planning e-book – the appendix has a list of National Health Observances, or come up with your own endcap ideas. When you switch out these highly visible areas of your store, you keep things new and exciting for your customers and help drive sales!