by Dave Wendland, CommunityVoice for Forbes Agency Council, as appeared on May 24, 2018
Preparing for a brand launch or reintroduction to the market is not for the faint of heart. For more than 25 years, I’ve moderated numerous collaborative strategy sessions with consumer packaged goods (CPG) manufacturers on behalf of our company and have worked with other CPG manufacturers at various stages in their journey. Some have been better prepared than others to start or restart the product-life cycle journey.
Marketers looking to help their clients launch products can learn from those well positioned to introduce their item to the market as well as others who needed to take a step back to improve their chances for success.
The Good: Completed Homework
Our team nearly jumps for joy when a CPG manufacturer comes to us early in their process with a clear and realistic vision of what they aim to achieve. The best have already done a considerable amount of homework to understand the size of the market opportunity, researched perceived competitors and prioritized the channel(s) they wish to pursue. Those who have not yet completed that work but show a willingness to commit the required time and make the upfront investment are still heading in the right direction.
The preparatory factors and considerations we look for in a best-in-class launch candidate include:
1. Consumer research that clearly identifies a gap in the market or underserved need. This research would include quantifiable market size and alignment with demographic and psychographic drivers.
2. A competitive analysis that thoughtfully considers alternative solutions a consumer may use to solve the stated need. Even if it is not as elegant or readily available as the new CPG product about to launch, consumers are solving the issue in some way or other. Understanding that is vital.
3. Channel prioritization and informed launch realities. What I mean by this is that homework has been done to define where the product will launch, where it will reside within that environment, how consumers will be reached and why this new stock keeping unit (SKU) will thrive in that setting.
The Bad: Product And Market Realities
Perhaps the most blatant example of a bad product launch is when the item doesn’t perform to match the claims or benefit statements made on the package or in promotions. The one that is too often shared during a collaborative strategy session with a new-to-market manufacturer boils down to only two words: “It works!”
Clearly, products need to perform as intended or no buyer in their right mind — or consumer, for that matter — will purchase that item. Imagine introducing a bicycle to the market that has no foot pedals. Even if the manufacturer shouted from the mountaintop that it works, no shopper would be fooled by that claim. So, the bottom line for any product launch is to make sure a product works as planned.
Another taboo for product launches is having unrealistic expectations. This may correlate to the anticipated acceptance of an item that will “appeal to everyone.” One of the exercises I often engage in with clients is defining the true, primary consumer. I insist they outline this shopper in as much detail as possible.
A reality check is also necessary when a manufacturer insists that their item belongs in every store in the market it is entering. While certain items may do very well across all retail settings, no product developer has come forward with a replacement for oxygen.
The Ugly: Package, Message And Category Strategy
Finally, when reviewing failed product launches, or those destined for failure but turned around just in time, there are most often three ugly culprits: the package, the message and the category strategy.
The package is frequently an immediate indicator of the success or demise of a potential product. Our firm’s review and assessment of new-to-market items each month has certainly revealed some clear-cut winners and numerous losers. Although there are many at play, three factors stand out as surefire obstacles:
1. A size that’s too big poses retail shelving challenges and/or shipping nightmares.
2. The colors and contrast matter. Packages that are hard to read, difficult to see or overall unappealing will likely not withstand the test of time.
3. With only several seconds at the shelf (or online) to capture the imagination and intent of the purchaser, the choice of words must be right, properly placed and prioritized on the package.
Messaging is the second culprit. We look for consistency across advertising and promotions, differentiators of the item that can be easily found and understood, and overall clarity. I suggest creating messaging for each intended audience. For example, in the consumer health care industry where our firm spends considerable time, scientific speak is often used in collateral directed at health care professionals and pharmacists but does not resonate with the average consumer. Emphasize words that are repeatable and distinguishable — research what competitors are using to promote their item, then choose something different — and repeat, repeat, repeat. A wise mentor of mine, the late “Rocket Ray” Jutkins used to suggest, “Repetition builds your reputation.” I couldn’t agree more.
Finally, category strategy is a vital cog in the giant gear to success. Understanding placement — in a physical retail setting or in an online taxonomy — makes a huge difference. I have preached to my children that a person is evaluated by the company they keep. In other words, choose your friends wisely. Same is true with a product launch strategy. Through carefully conducted market research, the brand must determine which like products it wants to be associated with, thus which category it fits into and why. Depending on the differentiating characteristics of the item, the primary messaging on the package and the intended audience, an item could attract new shoppers to the category or be grouped differently on the shelf.
There you have it — the good, bad and ugly of product launches. After conducting dozens and dozens of collaborative strategy sessions and studying my share of successful and unsuccessful product launches, I’m hopeful that this look into the process will prove helpful to you and your clients.