Resolution: Make a commitment to my community

July 25, 2017By Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy, Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies

by Steve Choate, business development manager, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series

Whether you are a large or small manufacturer, you have a presence in the community in which your facility or facilities are located. You provide jobs not only to your employees, but also to the businesses that support your company – local restaurants, repair shops, parts suppliers, etc. You make a difference to your community just by being there!

Go beyond just being in your community; help your community thrive by demonstrating your support. You do not have unlimited dollars or time to spend, so pick and choose the community projects that your company will get involved with. With many opportunities available, find out from your associates what they value the most of the possible community activities. What are the special passions of your management team?  Can these assist your community? Do your management team and associates have special talents that they can share? How can you bring these talents to bear to help your local area?

Many communities have local events and festivals throughout the year. Imagine being the main sponsor or a co-sponsor of a particular event.  Pick your favorite event and take the lead!  You could be the business that provides the spectacular fireworks display each Fourth of July. You could be the business that sponsors the “Music in the Park” concert series each in the park

Many communities have local sports teams – softball, baseball, soccer, hockey, basketball, etc. You could be a sponsor of a team. I still remember to this day the sponsor of my Little League team when I was 12 – AMC&BW – the Amalgamated Meat Cutters & Butcher Workers Union.  At the time I did not know for sure who this group was, but I was proud to be a team member on AMC&BW, especially when they posted our team’s results in the local newspaper.  You may make a lifelong impression on a player, and have your name on the shirts ,hats, etc. of that team for many to see. Members of your community will see your name and know that you are making a difference.

If you want to do something but do not need or want to have your company’s name attached to it, you have options for that as well. Become an anonymous donor to activities throughout your community. You could work through your associates to help make a difference in the community. Our company has participated with our associates in performing random acts of kindness. Each participating associate is given an amount of money that they can use at their discretion to help out someone that they feel needs assistance. This can range from paying it forward for someone’s morning coffee to buying a hot meal for someone in need. This allows your associates to choose what they feel is important to them.

You cannot do it all – your budget just does not allow for that. Select those things that your company can get behind. Whatever you do, make sure you are making a commitment to your community and your associates!