by Megan Moyer for the Resolutions blog series
One aspect of my job is to constantly ponder what content we can provide that will be of value to our various customers. In contemplating what might be a good theme for a blog series that covers topics our clients will find helpful, I thought, “Resolutions!” I tend to think of resolutions in terms of personal goals, but they translate to our business lives as well. An idea was born.
This new blog series, under the theme of resolutions, will tackle goals many of you have set for yourself, your department, or your organization. We challenged ourselves to think about what you may want to accomplish to further your business, and will be writing posts on a regular basis to address these aspirations, sharing our insights and expertise to help you achieve them.
The best part is you’re going to be hearing from our many in-house experts, much like in our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series. Tapping into our broad knowledge base allows us to offer perspectives from associates you don’t always get to hear from, but who have a lot of expertise to share. It’s my favorite part of doing a blog series like this, giving my fellow associates another opportunity to contribute their ideas and wisdom about an industry that we all live and breathe every day.
The next post in this series will start at the beginning and speak to how you go about accomplishing a resolution. The week after that, the posts about how you can fulfill your resolutions begin. Posts will be written for retailers, distributors, and manufacturers in the retail healthcare space, and I hope you’ll find value in them all, regardless of where you fit in the supply chain. If you have any topic ideas, please use this form to share them with me. Happy reading!