by Cari Sass for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series

There are so many ways independent pharmacies can differentiate themselves from their competitors. We all know service is chief among them, which includes the personal relationships you can build with patients. You can strengthen relationships and build loyalty with new and current customers by providing healthcare information.

When you add a healthcare information center to your pharmacy, you become more than a store; you become a valued resource in your community. Providing literature with explanations, tips, recommendations, and educational content in a healthcare information center will show that you truly care about your patients’ health and well-being.

Making this extra effort can turn shoppers into long-time customers. Consider putting the resource center in or near your waiting area to offer easy access for prescription patients. They’ll have something to read while they wait, and may be able to ask more knowledgeable questions about the management of their condition or illness.a healthcare information center

Where will you get the information? Reach out to local hospitals, clinics, and advocate organizations to see if they have literature they are willing to provide. You can also check with manufacturers and your wholesaler to find out if they have a program that could provide or supplement your center.

By building relationships with other healthcare organizations in your community, you create a network of other health providers that can be influencers and refer consumers to your store. This network can also be called upon if you decide to take it a step further and host educational sessions or other events designed to build traffic and trust, and engage customers in a more meaningful manner.

A healthcare information center will show your patients that you see them as more than a customer. Devoting space and time to helping them manage their health and wellness demonstrates that you are a partner in their journey.


cari340Cari manages the Marketing Communications team and is the primary liaison with other HRG departments. Her responsibilities cross the divide between B2B and B2C marketing and include strategic planning, creative development, corporate communications, and new product and service development for HRG. She also serves as project manager for many clients’ marketing and research needs, including everything from product packaging and social media to consumer focus groups.