22. Implement planograms — part one

September 11, 2015By 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy, Focus on the Pharmacy Front End Blog, Independent Pharmacy

By Kyle Lentz for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series This is part one of a two-part blog series covering how HRG builds their planograms and why it’s important for independent pharmacies to follow them to maximize profits. Implementing planograms assures that you have the right mix of products, in the … Read More

You might also like…a new category to shop from

September 4, 2014By Assortment Planning and Placement, Behind the Shelf Blog

By Jenny Kosek How many engagement zones are in your store? MobileMarketer.com ran this thought provoking article about the revolution currently underway in store layout and merchandising strategy. From the article: In the past, stores were designed with departments and aisles to influence shopper behavior with an eye toward encouraging shoppers to view as many … Read More

New category? Debut at independents first.

November 25, 2013By Behind the Shelf Blog, Brand Marketing

by Megan Moyer Independent pharmacy is a unique retail channel that, outside of being a drug store, defies classification. Each independent is different. There is no global floor plan, product assortment, pricing model or marketing plan. Independent pharmacies have a flexibility that corporate stores don’t. That’s why they are a great trial ground for new … Read More