10. Independent Pharmacies and Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

Your Future’s So Bright You Gotta Wear (Lamp) Shades By Tom Y.  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series So your independent pharmacy has done an amazing job of keeping your customers out of the dark by utilizing the best-in-industry merchandising and pricing intelligence – powered by HRG. Merchandising, pricing, and your customers … Read more

35. Answer the phone professionally

By Barb G.  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series How do you create a consistent and positive impression when your customers call? By answering the phone professionally. First, answering the phone within three rings shows your customer you are respectful of their time. Create a tag line to be used by … Read more

18. Delegate responsibility

By Mary Hart  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series Delegate responsibility responsibly! Have you used any of these excuses to NOT delegate work? I can do it better myself. I don’t know if I can trust her to do it. He isn’t qualified to do it. She doesn’t want any added responsibilities. … Read more

The professional pharmacist

By Dave Wendland Recent legislation enacted in California and the current movement within Washington, DC is moving the pharmacist closer and closer to becoming appropriately recognized as a “healthcare professional.” “But wait, Dave, everyone knows they are healthcare professionals. They are the most accessible, trusted, and well-educated among others that operate in the healthcare continuum.” … Read more

A new tool for your business

Posted by Megan Moyer I’m excited to direct your attention to a new e-book from Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc. that we authored, that offers ideas and actions you can take to boost your business. The e-book is titled “Community Pharmacy: Foundation for the Future,” and it is a 30-page guide to improving your marketing strategies and some of … Read more

Baby boomer women are a unique set of shoppers

by Jenny Kosek

Baby boomer women aged 50+ own more than three fourths of our nation’s financial wealth. These women are the healthiest, wealthiest, and most active generation of women in history. They are an incredibly important market in the HBW/CPG space, contributing to 93% of all OTC sales. And they seem to love independents.

Our own research has shown that boomer women are the largest contingency of independent pharmacy shoppers. Of 477 independent pharmacy shoppers we interviewed, 67 percent were women and 52 percent were aged 51 or over. But just because older women are shopping independents doesn’t mean they have to continue to do so – and that’s where the opportunity lies.

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Do your pharmacy customers trust you?

by Amy Kasza A recent poll demonstrated what many of us are experiencing in our everyday lives: Americans just don’t seem to trust each other as much as they used to. This phenomenon encompasses every area of our lives, whether it’s trusting our elected leaders, our employers, or the organizations that provide products and services to … Read more

Some businesses just belong together

Posted by Jen Johnston

Some businesses just belong together. When I was in my 20’s and more into the craft scene, I envisioned a group of retailers who would take over a space and create a destination location of independent shop owners that met virtually every need a crafter would have. So from sewing, to beading, to scrapbooking, etc., you would find specialty independent retailers in this center, along with a shared classroom space that could be partitioned off into smaller classrooms, complete with a kitchen area for all day events. Also connected would be a bookstore focused on crafts, a coffee shop, and outdoor spaces where people could gather. There was a lot more to it, but you get the general idea.

Yes, I was a big dreamer. Some would say the mega chains like JoAnn Fabric, Michaels, or Hobby Lobby already fill this need. I say they may sell the products – but the NEED goes far beyond that to the experience of a shared community. It’s the thing that people search for online via social networks – only they want it in real life, too.

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You conduit, you.

Posted by Dave Wendland

Although difficult to predict given the rollout issues and ongoing debate around the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there are emerging opportunities afforded community pharmacy. In this post I will share four areas worth examination: 1) accessibility; 2) education; 3) coaching; and 4) medication compliance.

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Is your pharmacy an In-and-Out Burger?

by Jen Johnston

Is your pharmacy an “In-and-Out Burger” or a “TGI Fridays”? Do your patients come to fill their scripts and quickly leave or do they feel comfortable taking their time?

I visited a pharmacy last fall where one of the main entrances was positioned directly next to the pharmacy counter. The other entrance led directly into the impressive greeting card section with a straight aisle to the pharmacy counter. I stayed for a while and watched as people either came in for cards only or they made a beeline straight for the pharmacy counter, got their prescription, and left. Almost every customer completely ignored the OTC and personal care products. This pharmacy was definitely an “In-and-Out Burger.”

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