Robust websites to facilitate the fixture setting or reset process


From the desk of Holly Jablonowski, project manager, for the Focus on Fixtures blog series

Our custom reorder website is a very efficient, streamlined solution for ongoing, seamless delivery of replacement or missing pieces that are often requested as part of a fixture reset.

We worked with a retail chain to update their beauty department, handling their space planning needs and creating fixture planograms for use in store. As a seasonal department update approached, they contacted us to discuss building a website accessible through their internal portal to manage orders for pieces needed for the reset.

Since we were already storing and tracking the fixture pieces each store had from the original department overhaul, our data model allowed us to report what additional fixtures would be needed for the upcoming seasonal reset and what could be reused. Based on their store-specific login information, our system presented each store location with detailed reports. Additionally, we tied an image of the fixture to the part number on the reorder screens to minimize errors. These reports and images made it extremely easy for the store personnel to order more accurately, leading to cost and productivity savings.

Per the retailer’s request, we also made installation support documents available on the site. This included the change instructions, fixture planograms, and videos and manuals developed by our team.

After the orders are placed on the website, behind the scenes, we separate the order according to which vendor will fulfill that part and send each one the electronic file containing their orders. The vendor sends order acknowledgement and shipment tracking details back to us which is populated on the website. This provides the store a simplified process — they have one place to go to enter an order and they don’t need to know which vendor will be fulfilling it. We can work with most any system and data file exchange format, including API, EDI, or custom methods.

We’ve also integrated a brand’s fixture fulfillment division so the orders flow directly to them for completion. In both this case and the integration directly to the fixture manufacturer, these sites operated like e-commerce sites without the payment processing piece. Users complete their order, see what is in their shopping cart, and “check out” or submit it.

There are great benefits to using this website model. There are customizable reporting capabilities for the retailer to track parts ordered and reconcile costs, and the sites can include as much or as little complementary information as desired. If you are interested in learning more, view our demo, or contact us to discuss what could make the fixture reset process easier in your stores.