By Millie Cuevas for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series

Conducting a health fair is a great way to inform and educate your patients to help them better manage their wellbeing. To keep it simple for you, your customers, and any partners you may bring in, conduct health fairs that focus on just one condition per event. That way, you can provide specific and complete information, and give each the attention they deserve.

Two chronic conditions that can be complicated to treat are diabetes and heart disease – perfect topics for health fairs. Patients with diabetes may need products from skin care, wound care, foot care, weight & nutrition management, and vitamins & supplement departments. Customers treating heart disease may use items from oral care, pain relief, weight & nutrition management, and vitamins & supplements. Hosting a health fair allows you to spotlight all of the treatment solutions available and answer related questions at the same time. Dedicating time to help your patients understand the various items that may ease some of their challenges is a level of service that can differentiate you from your competitors.

Health fairFor both of those diseases, weight control and proper nutrition can be important to helping patients manage their conditions. If you invite partners to participate in your health fairs, a nutritionist is a good option for both heart disease and diabetes events. This healthcare professional can offer tips for healthy eating and also guide your customers to beneficial vitamins and supplements – one area that can be especially confusing to customers. The nutritionist can describe the product benefits as well as what it specifically addresses. You could also include a local grocer to discuss nutrients often found in produce, and other products for a more holistic view of self-care. Work together with these community colleagues to ensure recommendations don’t interfere or shouldn’t be taken with the patient’s current prescriptions.

What’s important is to provide your patients with educational materials and information to help make it easier to self-manage their conditions. Involving other healthcare professionals and local merchants can be mutually beneficial and provide a more comprehensive event. If it’s possible, consider giving attendees a “starter kit” that includes samples and coupons to bring them back in the store. Health fairs can build loyalty and your business.



As a member of the Visual Assets department, Millie is responsible for editing and finishing product images.