From the desk of Kelly Zygowski, category analyst, for the Focus on Fixtures blog series

When creating the vision for your in-store display at retailers, your focus is where products and graphics are placed to attract attention of customers and for ease of shopping. Once you’ve established placement and appearance, the next step is digging into the details of the fixture pieces and parts needed to make it come to life.

Example fixture planogram

We can build custom-size fixture planograms and can accept planograms in any format for conversion using our space planning platform. We provide details in the planogram to help those implementing the fixtures, down to each shelf, fixture number, clips, graphics, and even the notches where the shelves are hung.

Our processes ensure each planogram is user friendly so the associates or installers in-store can reset a brand or department in the least amount of time. The efficiencies gained save retailers money and minimize lost sales due to limited downtime.

We’ve completed planograms for a variety of retail chains and both beauty brands with a large number of SKUs and those just getting started. When working with chains for a brand reset, we have validated more than 700 planograms for one season. For individual brands, we have validated over 140 planograms to meet the needs of their multiple retailer partners. On the flip side, when working directly with the brand, we create planograms for each retailer they work with so they can ensure consistency of presentation across the span of outlets and channels where their products are featured.

One important aspect of our project management process is the Add/Delete/Reuse fixture list we include as we work with stores or brands across multiple seasons. Because we have the infrastructure to store the fixture details from past seasons or resets, we can reduce expenses and prevent waste by letting stores know if they already have a piece they can reuse in the latest update – even if it was used for a different brand.

We’ve worked with a variety of companies that have trusted us with this complex and sometimes complicated process. If you’d like to discuss your upcoming set or reset, contact us.