Tips for buyer meetings

by Steve Choate for the Buyer Presentation blog series

Your buyer meetings can be your first impression with a retailer. Make sure you start out strong. Here are some tips on how to get off on the right foot.

  • Meet the buyer at the door to your room.
  • Make strong eye contact.
  • Welcome them to your room and shake hands with authority.
  • Ask if they need anything – water, snack, etc.
  • Show them where to sit.
  • Exchange business cards and pleasantries.
  • Make introductions of anyone in the room whom the buyer may not have met in the past.
  • Remember that the buyer has many, many meetings and to be respectful of their time – start your presentation on time, and end it on time.
  • Preview what you will be talking about.

Once you have started your presentation, keep these points in mind.Speak at a steady pace

  • Speak at a steady pace with pauses for questions.
  • Show and/or demonstrate your products.
  • Allow the buyer to study your products.
  • Answer questions as you go.
  • Finish your presentation with a few minutes to spare.
  • Recap what was presented.
  • Ask if there are any questions.
  • Ask for next steps, follow-ups, and timing.
  • Walk them to the door.
  • Thank the buyer for coming and shake hands again with authority.

For more tips on how to prepare for your buyer meetings and what to do after the meetings to follow up, see my previous blog posts.