12. Reward employees for spectacular customer service

by Cari Sass for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series

Spectacular customer service has become a goal for many retailers. There are many shopping options out there, including similar stores, nearby locations, comparable prices, identical product offerings, not to mention your online competition. Your staff and how they interact with your customers may be that one difference that separates you from your competitors and drives consumers into your store time and again.

It makes my day when I receive excellent customer service. As a matter of fact, I often tell my family and friends when and where this occurred, hoping they go and experience it for themselves. There’s nothing better, easier, and less expensive than positive word-of-mouth advertising.

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86. Have an open-house

by Megan Moyer for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series

A great way to show appreciation for your customers as well as attract new ones to your store is to hold an open house. It can be as simple or elaborate as you’d like.

If you’re having an open house as a customer appreciation gesture, be sure to have food and beverages, and a giveaway or two. Suppliers may be willing to help you with free or deeply-discounted products to use for giveaways, or perhaps you can work out a mutually-beneficial arrangement with a local specialty company to make giveaways for a reasonable investment.

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95. Dust those shelves in the front-end

by Barb G. for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series

When you have friends and family over, do you make sure your house is “mother-in-law clean?” Over the years, your customers have come to be family, so why wouldn’t you do the same for them?

When you enter your store tomorrow, take a look at your HBW departments. Would you be proud or embarrassed if your mother-in-law came in?

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20. Maintain good in-stock condition

by Kyle Lentz for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series The old saying for independent pharmacy stock levels is, “One for show and one to go.” That’s great for items that typically sell less than one unit per month per store, but what is your philosophy on the higher velocity items that … Read more

65. Add recorded messages to your phone

By  Althea R.  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series A friend recently had to call his auto repair shop after hours. He wanted to know when the shop opened the next day so he could bring his car in for emergency repairs. Expecting to hear a message with the shop hours, … Read more

76. Develop a marketing plan

By Courtney T.  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series An essential part of any business plan is the marketing plan. While a business plan gives an organization direction, the marketing plan contains the tools to help the store move in that direction. A good marketing plan supports your store vision … Read more

38. Make a mistake – then learn from it

By Mary Hart  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series As a busy pharmacist, you may overlook your front-end. It’s easy enough to do when you generate over 90% of your business from your pharmacy counter. But it’s a mistake if you’re not paying attention to it. Front-end items are more profitable than prescriptions … Read more

30. Learn from a successful retail merchant

by Steve Choate for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series

How does the old saying go – “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?”

No one can be an expert at everything – no matter how hard you may try.  We are all good at some things and bad at others. This is the way it is in your business. You have spent years becoming a pharmacist.  You are an expert at what you do. Your days are full. Some days you feel like you need 48 hours in the day instead of just 24. You do not have to be an expert at all the various aspects that you need to run a successful business. Look at other successful retailers in your area and learn from them what makes their businesses hum!

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58. Put shopping baskets near your pharmacy

By Megan Moyer for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series You want to provide a memorable shopping experience for your customers and make it easy for them to shop your store. In addition to your store layout, department adjacencies, product assortment and inventory levels, what else can you do to make … Read more

54. Attend a training seminar

By Courtney T.  for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series Can you guess what two words many employees dread hearing? If you guessed, “you’re fired,” sorry that’s incorrect. Correct answer: training seminar. For many, training seminars are synonymous with long, boring presentations full of information that goes in one ear and … Read more