Resolution: Create materials for consumer education

Megan Moyer, senior marketing communications specialist

I recently visited an independent pharmacy that had an impressive area with consumer education materials. There were two literature racks containing numerous single information sheets on natural products. There were also holders adhered to the wall that contained pamphlets addressing various conditions. Both were well situated in the waiting area near the pharmacy counter. Perfect reading materials for patients while they waited.

Do you have an item that would benefit from consumer education? There are many products that would be well served by providing educational materials to help shoppers understand the item itself. Literature could cover how it is made, what it contains, special features, differentiators, how it is best administered, interactions to be aware of, expected results, and both visible and unseen benefits.

Maybe your product itself doesn’t need a detailed explanation but what it treats and how might be helpful to share. If your brand is filling whitespace in a category, you may need to provide information sheets for in-store use to help pharmacists educate their shoppers about what your product addresses and why it’s necessary.

Think back to when pre- and probiotics started hitting the market. The majority of the general population did not know what they were or why they were needed. Several years later and look at how that market segment has grown! Those first brands had a lot of ground to cover to in order to help consumers learn about how their products worked, the benefits, and the various forms, among other things.

Assess your brand and consider how sending consumer education materials to stores could positively impact sales. You can help shoppers make an important decision about their health and wellness. If you need help creating or getting these materials to independent pharmacies, contact us. We’ve helped several brands with that initiative and would welcome assisting you.