by Dave Wendland

A friend of mine recently consulted with a closet organizer, wardrobe coach, and personal shopper to enter her over-stuffed, cluttered closet and make some recommendations. At first, my friend was hesitant to have anyone look through her things and make decisions on what should stay and what should go. After all, many of those clothing articles had sentimental value or cherished memories attached to them. What if the consultant determines that there is nothing salvageable and that everything must go?

outwiththeoldWell, as the painstaking journey through the sagging bars and cluttered shelves unfolded, it became evident that some of the clothing that my friend had been clinging to was not only totally out of style; it no longer fit her personal lifestyle, her color palette, or her figure. So … the consultant said it was time to move on. In her words, “Out with the old!”

The result? Clothes nicely organized for easy selection and color- and style-matching. A list of items that needed to be added to my friend’s wardrobe to provide more flexibility and personal satisfaction. A very large bag of donation-worthy clothing that may serve another woman who had a particular need.  And a closet that was maneuverable and functional.

So, what does this have to do with running a successful retail pharmacy? A lot!

For one thing, my bet is that if you truly looked at your overstocked shelves and bulging inventory you would find some sentimental favorites that are no longer bringing value to today’s shoppers. I would also imagine that certain categories could be expanded to include new items that will bring better shopper satisfaction…not to mention enhanced sales and profits.

So, perhaps it is time to either look at your product assortment and categories objectively or hire someone who doesn’t come carrying the baggage of history and past memories. At Hamacher Resource Group, we call those 360° Assessments. It’s really looking at the retail aspect of the store through a new, unfiltered lens. My bet? It’s time to come to the realization that timing is right to profess, “Out with the old!”