Images and Data for the Top 2% of 2015 New Items

Quality images, as well as reliable product specification data, is important in maintaining the integrity of your brand. Whether you’re setting up your item at a distributor, contracted to include your product on various e-commerce sites, or are creating sales and marketing materials and promotional tools, the example information you’ll see in the PDF below is critical to ensuring a consistent representation of your brand is presented.

Six new items launched in 2015 that are finding success were broken down by segment in the August 2016 issue of ROI. Click on the button below to download the PDF and see a snippet of HRG’s data that showcases the elements helping to propel their growth.

Elements for Success

Learn more about the elements weighed in HRG’s Star Rating process in our New Item Review. Find the larger list of forty-four new products introduced in 2015 that are having success in Drug Store News’  Emerging Brand Report, powered by HRG data.