Resolution: Define my shopper demographics

by Tara Kaifesh, category analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Knowing who your shoppers are is important to your store’s success. When you understand those shopping at your pharmacy, you can provide them a better shopping experience by stocking the items they’ll be likely to purchase. Catering to your customers’ buying habits will … Read more

Resolution: Commit to regular store meetings

by Mary Hart, project manager and senior data assets specialist, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series I hope you are already having regular store meetings, but if you aren’t, read on for good reasons to start. If you are, read on to see if there are topics to add to your agenda. One great reason … Read more

Resolution: Seek unique items for independent pharmacies

by Tom Boyer, director of national accounts, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series As a wholesaler, you devote a great deal of resources to give your independent pharmacies tools and support in the effort to see them succeed. A trend that I am seeing work very well among the stores I’ve visited recently are those … Read more

Resolution: Audit my web presence – part two

By Steve Brester, director of information technology, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series This is the second of two blog posts about auditing your web presence. My previous post covered getting started in monitoring your online success. This post will cover tools available and your content and social media strategies. In your efforts to … Read more

Resolution: Audit my web presence – part one

  By Steve Brester, director of information technology, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Your web presence is one of the most important ways of raising awareness of your store and what your store has to offer. Do you ever check to see how effective your web presence is? I’m referring to all online … Read more

Resolution: Refine my assortment to maximize inventory turns

by Tom Boyer, director of national accounts, for the Resolutions blog series One of our main messages to independent pharmacies over the years has been that focusing on the front end of the store is imperative to running a successful business. Especially now that prescription profits are slim. Targeting efforts on making the most of store product assortments to … Read more

Resolution: Objectively look at my business

By Nelson Rodriguez, merchandising analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series It’s something we all fall into from time to time — complacency. It’s easy to do, and it happens in different aspects of our lives. If you feel like you’ve been complacent with the status quo at your store, it’s time to take … Read more

Resolution: Reward my loyal shoppers

by Althea R., data assets specialist, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Nowadays, it seems that most large retailers have reward programs for their customers. Have you ever seen someone who has whipped a ring of reward keycards out of their purse or pocket? OK, I’ll admit it, I am one of those people. … Read more

Resolution: Use endcaps to my benefit!

by Kyle Lentz, category analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Endcaps are some of the most beneficial yet highly underutilized sections within your pharmacy. Highly effective and timely endcaps coincide with seasonal activities and offer your customers one-stop-shopping for the products they expect to find during that time of year. A prime example … Read more