Resolution: Review my product assortment to determine if changes are needed

By Althea R., data assets specialist, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series When was the last time you reviewed which products are lining your store’s shelves?  If you have to stop and think about that, maybe it’s time to do an assessment and a little “spring cleaning.” If not now, make it a goal for next […]

Resolution: Plan to change endcaps every month

By Althea R., data assets associate, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Just like some wardrobes are changed out with the varying seasons, store displays need to be as well to keep things fresh. Your endcaps are highly visible locations that should be changed often. You can plan around holidays, events, or come up with something […]

Resolution:  Improve communication between pharmacy and the front end

  by Donna Boulieu, senior product & pricing analyst, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series “They don’t understand what we go through!” “We’re busier than they are!” “Customers have complained about their service!” Have you heard these or similar comments from your employees in reference to their coworkers? Lack of positive dialogue and interactions between associates […]

Resolution: Make new resolutions for my store

by Tom Boyer, director of national accounts, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series The new year is right around the corner so it’s a good time to think about resolutions you can make not only for yourself, but also for your store. Here are a few ideas for store resolutions. Get your staff more […]

Resolution: Invest in my store’s infrastructure

By Steve Choate, business development manager, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Do you know that nearly 10% of our country’s bridges – 58,495 out of 609,539 – are considered structurally deficient and need repairs? This is according to the American Road & Transportation Builders Association. It would take an estimated $115 billion to bring […]

Resolution: Partner with neighborhood businesses for mutual growth

By Julie Bonnell, vice president of operations, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Getting to know the other businesses in your area is a great way to springboard into attracting new customers. Understanding who is shopping their stores can help you refine your offerings to meet those customers’ needs and interests. Best of all, you […]

Resolution: Understand the independent pharmacy opportunity

By Dave Wendland, vice president, strategic relations, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series I recently had the opportunity to present this topic at the Nicholas Hall OTC North American Conference, and confirming my suspicions, there were several key “aha” moments among the participants representing a host of consumer healthcare companies. I’d like to summarize three […]

Resolution: Assess lighting in my store

By Colleen Volheim, category research and analysis manager, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series You may not give much thought to your store lighting, but it’s very important. Think about when you enter a place of business. What are your impressions of a dully-lit place versus a nice, bright interior? A store that isn’t well […]