Has your pharmacy embraced natural beauty?

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the  Step into Natural blog series You are likely already carrying the big-name skin care brands which is important for your front-end, but have you investigated the growing segment of natural beauty products? Natural skin care is one of the segments growing in popularity. A recent … Read more

Start analyzing your competition in 5 easy steps

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager As a store owner or manager, it is essential to know who your competition is when planning your marketing efforts. From a purely prescription perspective, you might peg chain drug stores or even mail order as your fiercest foes; however, do you know who your competitors … Read more

4 ways pharmacies can partner with health coaches

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, for the Step Into Natural blog series Health coaching is a growing profession. Different from a nutritionist, medical professional, or even health educator, a health coach works with people to develop goals and create healthy habits typically through one-to-one or one-to-many coaching sessions. According to marketresearch.com, there are an estimated 109,000 … Read more

3 steps to writing a mission statement for your independent pharmacy

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager Many independent pharmacies do not have a formal mission statement. Perhaps your pharmacy never got around to it, or maybe it was an intentional decision because you didn’t think it was necessary. A mission statement formalizes your goal for your store and unifies staff so they … Read more

Do you stock nutraceuticals in your pharmacy?

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager for the Step into Natural blog series. Is the term nutraceutical familiar to you and your pharmacy staff? Do you know what products fall under the nutraceutical category? In some countries, nutraceuticals (a mash up of “nutrition” and “pharmaceuticals”) are a distinct category of products derived … Read more

10 Forms of natural sleep products every pharmacist should know about

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the Step into Natural blog series Alongside diphenhydramine capsules and melatonin supplements, a new set of sleep products is vying for consumer attention, especially from your natural shoppers. Syndicated data provider, SPINS, names “better sleep” as one of the top macrotrends for 2019, as reported … Read more

Resolution: Review my product assortment to determine if changes are needed

By Althea R., data assets specialist, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series When was the last time you reviewed which products are lining your store’s shelves?  If you have to stop and think about that, maybe it’s time to do an assessment and a little “spring cleaning.” If not now, make it a goal for next … Read more

Fasting – A growing wellness trend pharmacists should understand

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the Step into Natural blog series Fasting, the act of restricting food for a set period of time, is rapidly on the rise. In fact, intermittent fasting was the top-cited eating pattern by the International Food Information Council Foundation’s 13th annual Food and Health Survey, … Read more

Resolution: Plan to change endcaps every month

By Althea R., data assets associate, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Just like some wardrobes are changed out with the varying seasons, store displays need to be as well to keep things fresh. Your endcaps are highly visible locations that should be changed often. You can plan around holidays, events, or come up with something … Read more

CBD is big business for pharmacies

  By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the Step into Natural blog series Is CBD on your radar? CBD – short for cannabidiol – is oil from the cannabis plant that, unlike another well-known oil (THC), does not make a person high. It is, however, purported to help with a number … Read more