What is self-care?

by Megan Moyer, corporate marketing manager, as appeared in Inside Beauty for Drug Store News While there are general definitions of self-care, ultimately, individuals define it for themselves. Several years ago, pre-pandemic, HRG built a Self-care Roadmap with the former trade organization GMDC (Global Market Development Center), to provide retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers insight into shopper behaviors […]
Five Reasons For A Brand Refresh
By Dave Wendland, for Forbes Agency Council, as appeared on Forbes.com August 6, 2021 Although change for change’s sake is seldom a good course of action, a well-executed brand refresh could be just what the doctor ordered — if the underlying rationale justifies such measures. Refreshing an overall brand identity should be rooted in strategy, and these […]
Moving Beyond Product Features And Benefits In Brand Messaging
By Dave Wendland, CommunityVoice for Forbes Agency Council, as appeared on Forbes.com July 27, 2020 We’ve all heard late-night advertisements touting amazing product features: “It slices! It dices! But wait — there’s more!” For those of us old enough to remember these immortal words of Ronald M. Popeil, who started pitching products on infomercials in the late 1950s, I […]
How Remote Work Could Shift Our Communication Style Forever
By Dave Wendland, for Forbes Agency Council, as appeared on Forbes.com April 24, 2020 “Are you there?” Whether you’re conducting an internal meeting with fellow remote employees or with clients in multiple locations, we have all been answering this for the past month as the shape of the workplace has continued to evolve and previously existing social and […]
The best ad I’ve seen all week – and why!
by Jen Johnston Recently I was browsing the Independent Choice® circular of one of our local natural food stores, Good Harvest Market. Good Harvest Market is a member of the Independent Natural Food Retailers Association, which makes the Independent Choice circular possible. Besides the grocery listings and encouragement to celebrate “hemp history week” (yep, that’s […]
Sell a product or build a brand
by Jen Johnston There are manufacturers out there in the world who solely want to sell product. You might be thinking, well yeah, that is the point of being in business, right? True, but your business will not be sustainable if you have more interest in selling a product than building a brand. You need […]
Branded together
By Dave Wendland Can a brand have a personality? Yes! A corporation, a product, even an individual has an opportunity to be “branded.” My definition – not dissimilar from others far more learned than me – is simple. Brand identity is what people say about you or your product after you’ve left the room. So, […]
How will anyone recognize your brand if you aren’t consistent?
By Megan Moyer Building a strong brand entails a number of factors and actions. Foremost is consistency. Consistency of message, imagery, logo standards, voice, tone, and style. There are times when you deviate from your corporate voice, tone, or style – depending on the message intent, the vehicle you are using, and the feelings you […]
A great image will sell your product
Introduction: If you are selling or showcasing your CPG products online, a clear, sharp image of your product – showing multiple sides and views – may increase sales potential significantly. In this post, guest blogger, Julie Massey, HRG’s visual assets coordinator, explains the importance of having uniformity of image content on your site. When you […]
The value of your brand — part two
by Megan Moyer In my previous post I talked about the importance of explicitly defining your brand from the outset and offered some things to think about when identifying the attributes you want your product to be known for. Today, I’m going to focus on how a well-established brand saves time by guiding marketing and sales […]