by Dave Wendland

In a day and age of endless shopping options and growing shopper impatience, service matters more than ever. I’m certainly guilty as charged – a bad experience at a retailer quickly sends me packing and leaves such a bad taste in my mouth I may never return. And, for the retailers who may be scratching their heads wondering why their shoppers are flocking to alternative retail choices, it’s really quite simple. Nothing has changed since the first merchant hung a shingle and began selling goods and services. Retailers must remember that they are in business to satisfy the needs of shoppers and provide pleasurable, engaging shopping experiences. When that is lost…so is the customer.service matters

It is a privilege to serve a customer not a right.

I’m especially proud of my son who has been earning extra spending money for college waiting tables for several years. And what impresses me is not only the pride he takes in doing his absolute best for the guests he is serving, but also the ease in which he makes each guest feel special, connected, and valued. He continues to share with me occasions that folks he waits on take time to thank him for exceptional service and complement him on his charisma, his attention to detail, and his efficiency. That’s certainly one of the reasons that he consistently earns 25-30% tips!

What about your retail operation? Do guests feel valued? Do they acknowledge your attention to detail and efficiency? Would they be willing to offer you a 25%+ tip because of the service you provided?

For me, the difference between poor, sub-standard service and high quality, engaging care is vast. And, as I mentioned earlier, the options are too vast and patience among shoppers too fickle to rest on your laurels or a long-term customer relationship. It’s important to delight shoppers every time they are in your store! Remember, service matters.