Easy access to category trends and tips

From the desk of Colleen Volheim, manager of Category Research and Analysis

Last year we started offering new category content on our website. We analyze multiple health, beauty, and wellness (HBW) categories each month, and we are featuring trends and tips on our site for one of those reviewed categories every month.

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Keep sure-sellers in stock

Being out of critical items could lose customers

From the desk of Tom Boyer, director of national accounts

Never Outs® are just like they sound — items that should never be out of stock. HRG’s proprietary Never Outs list is part of the monthly delivery of the TEMPS® Category Manager program. Each month this list of items in the featured categories is delivered to TEMPS customers, giving them a handy reference of the top-selling items in each subcategory. These high-demand items are included in every planogram size because they are the best-selling products in each subcategory. Consequently, even if you are out of stock on only a few of these items, or for just a few days, you can adversely affect your sales and even your customer base.

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Health, beauty, and wellness items – where should you focus your efforts?

From the desk of Colleen Volheim, category research and analysis manager

How is your front-end performing? Is your assortment right? Are you carrying the products that offer the most sales and profit potential?

Finding the right mix can take a little work. We can help with the TEMPS® Category Manager program which offers the ideal assortment for front-end HBW categories customized for independent pharmacies. Independents are unique, and while we build our recommendations from reliable data, some stores have limited space and need to make modifications to optimize their profits.

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Unique retail format? We can accommodate that!

From the desk of Colleen Volheim, category research and analysis manager

Shifts in our industry and among the population are moving consumers to rely more on accessible healthcare providers such as pharmacies. With pharmacies developing more innovative services and ways to deliver them, offering a fresh, engaging shopping experience is one way to outpace the competition.

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