Interview with health coach and pharmacist Stacy Bennett — part two

by Jen Johnston This is part two of my interview with Stacy Bennett, RPh, CHHC of Health Coach Pharmacist, to talk through how she is incorporating health coaching into her pharmacy practice. I hope this post will give you some ideas of how you can incorporate health coaching into your own pharmacy practice, either by … Read more

Interview with health coach and pharmacist Stacy Bennett — part one

by Jen Johnston Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Stacy Bennett, RPh, CHHC of Health Coach Pharmacist to talk through how she is incorporating health coaching into her pharmacy practice. I hope this post will give you some ideas of how you can incorporate health coaching into your pharmacy practice, either by becoming a certified … Read more

I heart pharmacists!

by Jenny Kosek As a course of business, for the past thirty years HRG has conducted research with the independent pharmacies we serve with our merchandising and pricing services. I was lucky enough to participate in these calls, and after speaking with some half-dozen pharmacists who also serve as front-end managers, I would like to say: … Read more

15 minutes or less

by Megan Moyer What is your greatest competitive advantage? We have great customer service. We know our patients and they are in and out within 5-10 minutes of arriving. That’s a question and response from our independent pharmacist survey that we conducted in fall of 2012 as part of our research into independent pharmacy shoppers. … Read more

No flu shots at your store? You can still build sales during flu season

0by Jenny Kosek

Two-thirds of U.S. pharmacists have completed the 20 hour pharmacy-based immunization training offered by the American Pharmacist’s Association. Have you?

All 50 states allow pharmacists who have completed this training to offer immunizations in their stores, positioning those pharmacies to attract consumers who seek convenient immunizations without the need to schedule doctor’s visits. Large chains have capitalized on this opportunity during flu season by not only offering walk-in immunization clinics, but by tying immunizations to retail promotions. For instance, consumers who get their flu shots at Safeway locations this year will also receive a coupon for 10% off their basket ring at their next shopping trip. United Supermarkets offers $5 off a grocery purchase to anyone who gets immunized during the month of September.

You can offer similar incentives to attract shoppers to your store for vaccines, but if no one on your staff is certified to administer those vaccines, there are still opportunities for you to increase incremental sales during flu season. As convenient as it has become to receive flu vaccinations, only 46% of Americans choose to do so. That means a lot of consumers and their loved ones will contract the flu this year, and your pharmacy can be the destination they seek to speed up recoveries.

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The Dollars and the Indies: Pt. 3

by Jenny Kosek

Dollar stores are positioned either in areas underserved by supermarkets or drug stores, or in strip malls next to big box retailers to lure consumers to a faster, easier shopping experience. Where is your store? Chances are you’re in a small downtown or perhaps well away from busy retail areas in your community. So how can you make sure customers know where to find you to enjoy the convenience, competitive cost, and incredible customer service you pharmacy offers?

You’ve got to market to them.

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It’s time to create your online presence

by Megan Moyer

Creativity is an essential tool in planning for growth. While changing up your product assortment can lead to an increase in sales, and creating partnerships with local businesses can as well, you can also increase awareness and drive more business by creating an online presence.

Think of how much more inventory you could “carry” with an online store. While you naturally will feature products that you stock in your online presencestore on your website, you can also include items you may not have the physical room for, but can order next-day from your wholesaler.

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Pharmacies can build loyalty by embracing wellness

by Jennifer Johnston for Chain Drug Review September 30th, 2013 The retail consumer shift toward wellness is well under way. Hamacher Resource Group and several leading trade associations spotted this emerging trend years ago and changed the term “health and beauty care” (HBC) to “health, beauty, and wellness” (HBW) in everything they produced. These days, … Read more

The Dollars and the Indies: Pt. 2

Posted by Jenny Kosek

So, dollar stores and their pharmacies are a-comin’, and your pharmacy needs to be ready to battle them for consumers. Are you ready?dollar stores and their pharmacies are a-comin’

Consumers choose where to shop based on what I’ll call “the Three Cs”. In order of importance, they are:

1. Convenience
2. Cost
3. Customer Service

Dollar stores are winning the war for consumer loyalty by offering a shopping experience focused on convenience and cost. But the opportunities for independents to beat them at their own game are many:

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Mandatory mail order — indie pharmacy’s biggest front-end competitor

by Jen Johnston Last year, HRG surveyed independent pharmacies about many topics, one of which was who their biggest competitors are when it comes to their front-end. One east coast pharmacist called me during the midst of Hurricane Sandy cleanup because his power was out and he couldn’t complete the online survey, but he had … Read more