Making 20 minutes count

by Dave Wendland This post assumes you have answered “yes” to these five critical questions about your product. Does the product fill an identified consumer need? Are the packaging and messaging ready for retail? Are there compelling reasons for the buyer to take a chance on your item? Can you handle the production demands if … Read more

Henry Ford, Value Master

by Jenny Kosek

I can’t stop thinking about Henry Ford. In 1913, the auto tycoon had a problem. Despite the tremendous boom of the newly hatched auto industry, Ford simply could not get people to work for him. Quickly exhausted and bored by the mind-numbing tedium of assembly line work, men quit as quickly as Ford could hire them. In fact, for every 100 men Ford needed on his lines, he had to hire 1000 to try to keep up with the astounding rate of turnover.

So, Ford figured out a way to make a lousy sell more attractive.

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Trade shows don’t have to break the bank

Posted by Amy Kasza

It’s a simple fact: if you spend an arm and a leg to get your consumer healthcare product in front of buyers at a trade event, you will be left off-balance when it comes time to support that product’s success at retail.

How do you wisely spend trade show dollars and maintain a positive bank balance? Follow this one rule: don’t cave to pressure from vendors.

Because booth expenses and show services such as utilities claim the largest percentage of the typical trade show budget, the natural temptation is to cover those expenses first. After all, this is your brand’s future on the line; you don’t want to worry about logistics when you can pay someone else to do it for you.

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The kids want their summer back

by Jen Johnston Ah, summer is finally in full swing. The kids are finally out of school. Time for hot weather, vacations, bar-b-ques, and. . .back-to-school promotions? Perhaps I am just paying more attention in 2013, but back-to-school advertising seems to be happening earlier than ever. In fact, some retailers began their promotions on school … Read more

Why Gen Y?

by Jenny Kosek 80 million people between the ages of 17 and 34 currently comprise the much-buzzed about Millennial Generation. Considering that 40% of shoppers under age 25 purchase no OTC products at independent pharmacy, the industry is lagging behind when it comes to engaging this immensely important demographic. That means independent pharmacy is losing … Read more