By Dave Wendland, for Forbes Agency Council, as appeared on October 4, 2021

Cautiously and intrepidly, many of us have returned to the office, travel and business in the “new normal.” For those of us who focus significant time on forging strategic relationships, approaches to growing business contacts and creating new connections have changed forever.

The key is to now remain committed in your efforts to expand your network despite the lack of face-to-face interaction and restricted travel. Here are four considerations as you work on building bridges to new relationships despite the hardships and realities of today’s business environment.


There’s much angst circulating, and as more and more people elect to work from home, new challenges to establish boundaries arise. For instance, it’s common for those who work from home to share personal cell phone numbers now, yet it’s hard to know the hours one works with flex schedules also at play. Fear of intruding during someone’s personal time is ever-present, and understanding the difference between “bombarding” and “persisting” is paramount. Persistence is far more sincere and is most often perceived with an attitude of curiosity.

One approach that has proven effective is to be upfront and inquire about the frequency of communication from the start. However, for those that you are not yet acquainted with, consider this: If you find yourself apologizing for being a pest, back off — you’re probably over-communicating and likely bombarding too much.


There is a fine line between aggressiveness and assertiveness. Temper your urge to pester someone unwittingly and don’t blast them with messages, emails and outreaches. Resisting aggression and ensuring that each outreach is purposeful and valuable will go far to establishing your credibility and laying the groundwork for a meaningful connection.


Forcing a relationship onto someone is seldom a good idea. It’s very tempting to take advantage of the tools at hand — namely the internet, Google and countless public access databases — and spend countless hours identifying potential contacts and then annoyingly and incessantly reaching out without invitation. This will not win you favor and will likely put a damper on these people ever becoming part of your network.

On the other hand, intentional outreach with purpose that brings value to the recipient with each contact is not to be discouraged. What is value? If it’s something that is pertinent to their business or their position, your odds of opening a conversation increase.


Tap into your existing contacts and seek introductions and connections. If anything, the period of this ongoing pandemic has fueled a sense of community and belonging. Your friends and established contacts will likely be more than willing to introduce you to individuals within their network. Such has been the case with my own network. Rarely a week has gone by wherein several non-connected colleagues are requesting a warm introduction. I’m happy to do it — as long as I agree that the relationship will bring mutual value.

If you’re like me, you’re starved for interaction — the opportunity to actually look someone in the eyes, in person, and see their unmasked reaction to your conversation. Unfortunately, those days remain elusive and indeterminable. This has not dissuaded me from building my network and creating new connections. In fact, I’ve written more articles (which has served to connect me across the industry), shared my ideas and opined on countless topics, and realized that the benefits of technology have been too often taken for granted. I cherish my business relationships and I am grateful for the support, wisdom and conversations that have ensued throughout the pandemic.

I hope your business is weathering the storm. Continue to build bridges — that’s the best way across these rushing waters of unchartered change.