HRG Makes Significant Update to Industry-standard Fine Line Classification System

Waukesha, Wisconsin — March 2, 2023 — HRG has completed its semiannual update of its Fine Line classification system for health, beauty, and wellness (HBW), home health care (HHC), and general merchandise (GM) products with notable adjustments to reflect industry changes. The March 2023 updates include modifications which support the Fine Lines mission of improving the shopping experience, increasing reporting capabilities, and supporting merchandising strategies.

The home diagnostics category has expanded to better represent how it has grown, specifically Fine Lines have been added to represent the variety of at-home tests now available. Many general merchandise subcategories have been added, expanded, or consolidated. Categories affected include:

  • Baby clothing
  • Gifts
  • Hair accessories
  • Household products

HRG’s team of analysts continually reviews the Fine Line classification system to determine whether modifications are necessary based on consumer market changes, emerging categories and subcategories, or to reflect merchandising trends. The Fine Line system classifies HBW, HHC, and GM products into categories, subcategories, and product segments and is used across the retail supply chain. Categories areconcept of organization, categorization organized by 2-, 3-, and 4-digit fine lines by HRG’s analyst teams to offer more refined reporting capabilities, facilitate analysis of product performance, and to segment the placement of products.

HRG releases updates to Fine Lines twice a year, in March and September. Updates to the HRG Fine Line system may consist of description changes, re-categorization of items, and additions or deletions of categories and/or subcategories. Download Fine Lines, or to learn more about HRG’s industry-standard Fine Line classification system, contact HRG client services at 414.355.1330 or