Has your pharmacy embraced natural beauty?

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the  Step into Natural blog series

You are likely already carrying the big-name skin care brands which is important for your front-end, but have you investigated the growing segment of natural beauty products?

Natural skin care is one of the segments growing in popularity. A recent research brief co-produced by Hamacher Resource Group and Linkage Research & Consulting showed that 72% of consumers agree that their skin is just like any other organ.

Perhaps this is the reason that nearly six in 10 U.S. adult women (59%) read beauty product ingredient labels prior to purchase, according to Skin Inc. Natural attributes have clearly taken hold in the skin care category. Did you know 50% of skin care consumers report they are currently seeking skin care products that claim to be all-natural or free of synthetic chemicals?

Here are some of the natural attributes consumers already buy or want to start buying:

Attributes Already Buy Want to Start Buying Not Interested
Contains CBD as an ingredient 14% 40% 45%
Plant-based 25% 39% 36%
Sustainable (ingredients, packaging, etc.) 35% 38% 27%
Organic 32% 37% 31%
All-natural 52% 35% 13%
Is free of synthetic chemicals like parabens, formaldehyde, and polyethylene 48% 32% 20%
Gluten-free 17% 28% 55%
Vegan 14% 28% 58%

You’ll notice “all-natural” and “Is free of synthetic chemicals” come out on top for what people are already buying so you will want to incorporate those products first, but also look to the “Want to Start Buying” column for inspiration on what has great potential for your store — CBD and plant-based skin care products are of great interest to consumers, and so are organic items and those that tout a sustainability message.

In addition to skin care, natural makeup is also exploding. Research company Kline Group says that although skin care is the largest product class of the natural personal care market, makeup records the fastest growth at 10%. I just began wearing a natural brand of makeup I can only find online, Zao Organics, but some brick and mortar retailers have recently taken the initiative to include natural and “clean label” makeup in their collections, including Sephora and Target.

If you carry makeup, consider setting your store apart with a niche natural brand that is perceived by many as a “healthier” alternative to legacy brands.

Natural hair care is another growing area, with 40% of consumers buying all-natural hair care products and 43% buying synthetic chemical free.natural beauty products

And while it is true that the younger generations are more interested in natural products, 38% of Baby Boomers want to know what is in the products they buy. Baby Boomers are an important customer group for independent pharmacies.

But don’t forget Gen Z. A whopping 47% of them want to know what is in the beauty products they buy, and contrary to popular belief, gen Z loves shopping brick and mortar.

As you think about ways to differentiate your front-end from the competition, consider bringing in more natural beauty products — skin care, hair care, and makeup. And be sure to promote your new offerings with in-store demos, wellness talks, and more.

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