by George Zagel, production specialist, for our Random Acts of Kindness blog series

I had seen a video online that showed how a small company gave all their employees money to conduct random acts of kindness and I thought it was a great idea. Giving back is an important part of my values. I believe our wealth and prosperity should be shared with those that may be down on their luck, don’t have enough, or are in need.

I forwarded the idea to our human resource manager, and the HRG Random Acts of Kindness Challenge kicked off last December. Here’s how I distributed the $30 we were each given:

  • $10 to a former co-worker who was taking care of her niece’s baby during a difficult time.
  • $10 to a former employee who was fundraising for The Hope Effect.
  • $10 for a man who was collecting cans. I gave him some Christmas cash because aluminum prices were down.RAOC-Geroge
  • $10 – I could not stop, so I chipped in an extra $10. I purchased some HBW items for men who are studying for the priesthood in Milwaukee.

After I had completed the challenge, I found it easier to see need and that there are so many different ways to give. It opened my eyes to the opportunities to touch someone’s life in a positive way.

You know how you always hear that those that volunteer and give back get as much or more out of it than those they are helping? Well, that’s how I felt. The experience spurred me to think of how else I can help others. I have a few more ideas. How about you?