4 ways pharmacies can partner with health coaches

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, for the Step Into Natural blog series

Health coaching is a growing profession. Different from a nutritionist, medical professional, or even health educator, a health coach works with people to develop goals and create healthy habits typically through one-to-one or one-to-many coaching sessions. According to marketresearch.com, there are an estimated 109,000 health coaches and health educators in the U.S.

While not exclusively “natural,” many people who seek help from health coaches are looking for a more natural approach to wellness. In 2013, I wrote about a pharmacist who was also a certified health coach. However, you don’t need to become a health coach yourself to benefit your bottom line. Here are four ways you can partner with a local health coach:  

1) Host healthy lifestyle classeshealth coach

One way that health coaches generate new clients for themselves is by teaching classes. Topics can run the gamut from brain boosting tips to cooking classes to essential oil demonstrations to weight loss seminars. Hosting these lifestyle classes in your pharmacy is a great way to invite people into your store. You can offer attendees a coupon off their next purchase or a discount to be used the day of the class only.

2) Stock professional quality supplements

While health coaches don’t prescribe medicines, they do often recommend supplements. Talk with the health coaches in your community to understand the brands of professional supplements they recommend. If you don’t already carry those lines, consider bringing them in. Then, you’ll be able to provide the coach with special coupons to hand out that will drive their clients to your store to make their purchases.

3) Mutual referrals

Talk to local health coaches about mutual referrals. You can offer to house their business cards or stuff Rx bags with their flyer. Likewise, you can ask the health coach to include your pharmacy information in their welcome packet for their clients and to be listed as a resource on their website. You could also jointly participate in health fairs or other special events offered within your community.

4) Weight loss initiatives

Health coaches can organize a walking group with your customers that meet weekly at your pharmacy or conduct weight loss seminars or chair aerobics sessions. Be sure to take advantage of this extra foot traffic.  You can create healthy weight loss endcaps to pique their interest, offer deals, or host additional special events for these customers.

Partnering with a local health coach or two is a great way to build your reputation as a natural, wellness-focused pharmacy. This could open up many new avenues to leverage other wellness-focused individuals and businesses in your community and expand your reach. You may discover a whole new group of shoppers or uncover new ways to delight your current ones!