3 steps to writing a mission statement for your independent pharmacy

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager

Many independent pharmacies do not have a formal mission statement. Perhaps your pharmacy never got around to it, or maybe it was an intentional decision because you didn’t think it was necessary.

A mission statement formalizes your goal for your store and unifies staff so they are all working toward it. During times of growth, a mission statement keeps the business on track and helps ensure the brand continues to develop in line with the store goal. Having one also helps business owners hold themselves accountable as well as their staff.

Mission statements can also keep your merchandising philosophy focused. I like what this Pharmacy Times article suggests, “The more you focus on your mission and the narrower you make your selection of what truly fits into it, the more successful you will be. On the other hand, the larger the assortment of departments, the more you dilute the messages about your pharmacy.”

Here are three steps to writing (or refining) a mission statement for your independent pharmacy:

  1. Define what your business does (your purpose).

It sounds simple — you dispense prescription drugs. Your mission statement will be broader and more meaningful, however, if you view your business as a vital part of the healthcare ecosystem. Likewise, your role as a pharmacist will be more significant if you see yourself not just as a dispenser of prescriptions, but as a valued consultant to your customers.

Think about what the implications are for dispensing prescription drugs and making OTC and wellness products and services available — you are helping people feel better and live healthier lives. Make sure to incorporate that into your mission.

  1. Tie in your values.

I ran across a pharmacy that listed the following values on their website:

  • We are a unified team working together as a committed family.
  • We are passionate about pursuing excellence in all we do.
  • We are devoted to forging strong relationships.
  • We communicate fearlessly to build trust and allegiance.
  • Our distinct service and kindness provide a positive experience for everyone.

Your values could also be about the quality of items you sell or the level of customer service you provide. Whatever your values are, it helps to get those on paper too, and tie them into your mission.

  1. Add why your store does what it does.

This is the personal touch that demonstrates your passion and commitment. Why did you start your business? (Hint, it’s not “to make money” or “provide for my family.” This is public- and staff-facing…)teamwork mission

The best way to see these steps in action is to view the mission statements of other independent pharmacies. Some of the following are shorter or longer than the others, but all follow the three steps to writing a mission statement.

Heartland Pharmacy
We are a caring and dependable long term care pharmacy that is family focused and dedicated to making a difference in the lives of the individuals, families, and healthcare partners we serve. We deliver solution-driven services ensuring a personal, consistent, and reliable experience for all.

Central Drugs Compounding Pharmacy
Our mission is to provide the utmost in expert advice, friendly service, and custom solutions to help patients live healthy lives.

Since 1999, Central Drugs, under family management, has grown from a small local pharmacy into a chain of custom compounding pharmacies with national reach, serving practitioners and patients across the U.S. Our highly trained staff is dedicated to helping people make the best decisions for their health, pleasantly and efficiently.

We are also industry leaders in the art and science of custom compounding and individualized health-care solutions, with our own state-of-the-art compounding laboratory, and a team of compounding pharmacists who are recognized experts internationally.

Keystone Compounding Pharmacy
To improve each person’s comfort and well-being by providing friendly, high quality, coordinated pharmaceutical services. We pride ourselves as innovators in the community, working with patients and health care providers alike. To that end, we sought accreditation under the Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB) and are proud to be the first Accredited Compounding Pharmacy in West Michigan, one of the first 50 nationwide! The PCAB seal testifies to our high standards of quality, purity and safety practices.

We refuse to allow the phrase “There is nothing more we can do” within our business. Through continuing education, compassionate employees and excellent rapport with our local providers we can truly say we are “Specializing In Your Health!”

Ocean Lakes Pharmacy

At Ocean Lakes Pharmacy, we are dedicated to providing our patients with the best service possible. We strive to provide quality products at fair market prices and apply our knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of our ability to offer assistance and answer your questions.

We continue to learn and seek out the best health care options available for our patients, and we will do our best to embrace the changes in the profession of pharmacy that improves patient care. Additionally, we maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical, and legal conduct while ensuring that the designated outcome for each individual patient is reached to the best of our pharmaceutical ability.

Hoyes Pharmacy

Mission: To continuously provide trustworthy, cutting edge resources dedicated to the development of specialized, custom medications that sets the standard for quality and innovation in our industry.

  • Our world-class professionals will always remain adaptable to changing market conditions while providing and supporting an interactive network that encourages knowledgeable collaboration among health care professionals and consumers.
  • Our team will aggressively integrate any new business opportunities that might help our business partners and medical practitioners grow their practices and enhance patient care and the quality of life in our communities.

I hope this exercise has inspired you to develop or refine your own mission statement. Once it is ready, share it with your staff and place it online and in-store (and if you’re so inclined, send it to me, I’d love to include it among my “best practice” examples). Let everyone know that your store is guided by a mission that is important to you. It will give your staff and customers another reason to believe in your business.