Is your pharmacy an In-and-Out Burger?

by Jen Johnston

Is your pharmacy an “In-and-Out Burger” or a “TGI Fridays”? Do your patients come to fill their scripts and quickly leave or do they feel comfortable taking their time?

I visited a pharmacy last fall where one of the main entrances was positioned directly next to the pharmacy counter. The other entrance led directly into the impressive greeting card section with a straight aisle to the pharmacy counter. I stayed for a while and watched as people either came in for cards only or they made a beeline straight for the pharmacy counter, got their prescription, and left. Almost every customer completely ignored the OTC and personal care products. This pharmacy was definitely an “In-and-Out Burger.”

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Ye olde marketing is still good marketing

by Jenny Kosek

Ever been to a Renaissance Faire? Every summer, I am among the fearless and dorky who don upholstery fabric and corsetry to enjoy a day of contrived historical fantasy at my local faire. One of the main attractions of any such festival is the many vendors who set up shop to sell their wares on the grounds. Exquisite, handmade costumes, jewelry, leather crafts, pottery, and wood carved objects are sold by dedicated artisans who make their livings travelling from festival to festival throughout the year. Selling as much of their products as possible is their daily bread-and-butter.

Their potential shoppers have never heard of their brand. These craftspeople don’t advertise on TV, and Renaissance Faires don’t have billboards above the vendors to attract passersby. So how do these intrepid salespeople sell their products?

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The Fresh Revolution

by Jenny Kosek

Like so many communities, we have an omnipresent grocery chain in our area that, quite simply, everyone shops at. You know the one: the chain with an inescapable number of locations, the chain so ubiquitous that when people say, “I’m going to the grocery store,” there’s no question which grocery store they’re headed to.

So it’s been interesting to watch this chain embrace the demands of consumers seeking fresh food and healthier lifestyles.

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Connecting the dots

by Dave Wendland When the biggest retailer in the world recognizes that their out of stock situation is causing shopper frustration what do they do? Begin connecting the dots. Beginning in May 2013 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. addressed its stocking problem by developing a green-dot program whereby key items were flagged to ensure their availability. This intensified … Read more

Why Gen Y?

by Jenny Kosek 80 million people between the ages of 17 and 34 currently comprise the much-buzzed about Millennial Generation. Considering that 40% of shoppers under age 25 purchase no OTC products at independent pharmacy, the industry is lagging behind when it comes to engaging this immensely important demographic. That means independent pharmacy is losing … Read more