HRG’s Category Management Tools Customer Portals Completed

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Waukesha, Wisconsin — January 31, 2024 — HRG has completed the development of™ Category Management Tools customer portals. The robust, customizable portals host all of the materials that are a part of the program, as well as tools to help speed and streamline in-store implementation, including: Category Strategy Category Rankings Last Chance Hot … Read more

Understanding the pricing landscape

  by Sean Grudzinski, HRG Product Research & Analysis Manager Before a company enters a new industry, decides to launch a new product, or tries to determine the best address for a new store location, they invest in understanding the existing landscape. It’s easy to see opportunity and potential by taking an objective view of … Read more

27. Price wisely against competition

by Donna Boulieu for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy series

Pricing wisely doesn’t mean pricing the lowest (which could equate to pricing yourself right out of business). A balance of lower margin competitively priced items, and higher margin less sensitive items is a strategy that can satisfy your customers and your bottom line. Even if you’re using a pricing program, an occasional review of what’s going on in your market area can help ensure you’re still on track. Before you venture out on your market review, prepare by thinking about and/or defining the following:

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31. Remove slow-moving items from inventory

by Colleen Volheim for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy series

There will always be a few products that just don’t move in your store, for any number of reasons. Naturally, if they consistently don’t sell, you’ll want to remove them from inventory, but oftentimes an item might just experience a temporary dip in sales. This could be attributed to the season or maybe a new product steals some sales temporarily. How do you know when you have a slow-mover on your hands? One thing to remain aware of is item expiration dates. If you find that a product is expiring in the next few months, it’s time to take action.

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22. Implement planograms — part one

By Kyle Lentz for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series

This is part one of a two-part blog series covering how HRG builds their planograms and why it’s important for independent pharmacies to follow them to maximize profits.

Implementing planograms assures that you have the right mix of products, in the right positions, with the proper amount of facings to accurately fulfill the needs of most of your customers. When we say most, we typically mean 85-90% of the people shopping your pharmacy. There is so much behind-the-scenes work that goes into creating a planogram that you would be remiss if you didn’t take advantage of the six month process it takes to create your desired planogram size.

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New package? New planogram

by Julie Bonnell

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…And a planogram is worth far more in sharing a vision of increased opportunity in a category.

When should you consider a planogram? New product introductions are obvious but also consider using planograms when making packaging changes. Seeing how your new packaging concept will display at shelf is a powerful tool. Consider overall how your image compares and contrasts to the category drivers. Is your unique value proposition clear? Can the customer read/see your package from across the aisle? Does your packaging stand out from the rest of the packages on shelf? Do you blend in? Remember, sometimes that is not a bad trait – consider how effectively store brands have used that strategy. A good planogram partner can provide you with multiple versions of planograms showing you how your product looks in a variety of placements.

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Looking for a planogram partner? Choose well!

By Julie Bonnell

Honesty is the best policy. When I was just starting out in my career, long before HRG, I was responsible for all the marketing materials provided to the sales team. This included planograms.

Our planograms made the management team very happy. However, I doubt they were ever executed widely in the field. We dominated the space showing all of our SKUs and presented ourselves as the category captain. Great aspirations, but not really capitalizing on the helpful tool that planograms should be.

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20. Maintain good in-stock condition

by Kyle Lentz for our “99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy” blog series The old saying for independent pharmacy stock levels is, “One for show and one to go.” That’s great for items that typically sell less than one unit per month per store, but what is your philosophy on the higher velocity items that … Read more

48. Recommend your private label/store brand

By Tom Y. for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series Let’s Talk About Your Private…..Label In my first blog post, I discussed the benefits of using energy-efficient lighting in your pharmacy.  In my second post, I discussed how to clean your pharmacy floors. In my third and final … Read more

93. Position departments to make the most of cross-selling opportunities

By Colleen Volheim for our 99 Ways to Make a Positive Difference in Your Pharmacy blog series It can be difficult to know how to best position departments in your store to make the most of cross-selling opportunities. You may set a category adjacent to departments where it feels applicable, but it may not be the … Read more