Gaining a foothold in a new retail channel

by Steve Choate

When was the last time you started a home improvement project without first understanding the needed enhancements or looking at instructions/directions on how to complete the repair? Being a stereotypical male, I usually do not read instructions before tackling a project. This often results in the wrong approach and additional trips to the store. Not reading the directions has also led me to having to take apart the project and start over from scratch – costing me time and money. If I had only taken the time up front to read the instructions/directions, I would have been able to plan out what materials I needed as well as the necessary steps to take to successfully finish the project.

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Become a trusted resource

by Cari Sass

How much do you dread those annoying sales calls? The ones where you can’t even get a word in to explain that you’re not interested or that what they are selling does not meet your need?  As the end of the year approaches, these types of calls seem to ramp up. When I start allocating budgets for the coming year and look for new opportunities to make sales and increase our market share, one approach I’ve always appreciated is the soft sell from a trusted resource.

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Understanding the pricing landscape

  by Sean Grudzinski, HRG Product Research & Analysis Manager Before a company enters a new industry, decides to launch a new product, or tries to determine the best address for a new store location, they invest in understanding the existing landscape. It’s easy to see opportunity and potential by taking an objective view of … Read more

I did not know that!

by Dave Wendland

Johnny Carson would often say, “I did not know that,” when confronted with some unusual information or when he felt at a loss for words. This, however, is not an excuse any CPG product manager or respectful sales director should ever get away with. Yet I hear it quite often during meetings with manufacturers when we begin discussing the competitive landscape.

So, how does a product manufacturer gain a better understanding of their competitors or the market opportunities that may exist? Research.

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Standing out in seconds

by Dave Wendland

Three to six seconds. That’s the time a typical consumer takes at shelf to locate a product. This inexplicably short amount of time poses a serious conundrum for both the retailer and the manufacturer. Why? Because the consumer is controlling the outcome.

That said I believe there are four critical package elements that a manufacturer can incorporate to increase the likelihood of winning favor with the consumer.

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Don’t stand still

by Dave Wendland

Victor Kiam, former business executive best known for his purchase of Remington Products, once said “In business, the competition will bite you if you keep running. If you stand still, they will swallow you.”

Most branded manufacturers are well aware of their competitors – and healthy competition makes companies better. Consumers are constantly seeking products with more features and capabilities, products that cost less but can do more, and products that solve their needs and wants better than any other product can. Simply put, when companies compete, consumers get what they want.

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New package? New planogram

by Julie Bonnell

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…And a planogram is worth far more in sharing a vision of increased opportunity in a category.

When should you consider a planogram? New product introductions are obvious but also consider using planograms when making packaging changes. Seeing how your new packaging concept will display at shelf is a powerful tool. Consider overall how your image compares and contrasts to the category drivers. Is your unique value proposition clear? Can the customer read/see your package from across the aisle? Does your packaging stand out from the rest of the packages on shelf? Do you blend in? Remember, sometimes that is not a bad trait – consider how effectively store brands have used that strategy. A good planogram partner can provide you with multiple versions of planograms showing you how your product looks in a variety of placements.

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The best ad I’ve seen all week – and why!

by Jen Johnston

Recently I was browsing the Independent Choice® circular of one of our local natural food stores, Good Harvest Market. Good Harvest Market is a member of the Independent Natural Food Retailers Association, which makes the Independent Choice circular possible.

Besides the grocery listings and encouragement to celebrate “hemp history week” (yep, that’s a thing!), there was a manufacturer ad that caught my eye. I must be in the target market sweet spot because I just LOVE this ad.

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Looking for a planogram partner? Choose well!

By Julie Bonnell

Honesty is the best policy. When I was just starting out in my career, long before HRG, I was responsible for all the marketing materials provided to the sales team. This included planograms.

Our planograms made the management team very happy. However, I doubt they were ever executed widely in the field. We dominated the space showing all of our SKUs and presented ourselves as the category captain. Great aspirations, but not really capitalizing on the helpful tool that planograms should be.

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