by Dave Wendland, vice president strategic relations

One of the highlights of HRG’s recent Growth Summit was a keynote address delivered by Jerry Jendusa, founder of Stuck, LLC. Jerry is one of the area’s most prominent entrepreneurs and business advisors, and he shared seven principles for business growth.

Remain focused and persistent as you strive to reach your goal. Always move in the direction to fulfill the outcome you are hoping to achieve.

Give yourself permission to not only ask for help, but also admit when mistakes have been made. It is through such honesty that goals can be met.Jerry Jendusa, Stuck

Create The Plan
Keep it simple – but always develop a plan or strategy. Milestones should be identified and tracked. Writing down the steps to reach a goal will provide a means for accountability.

Relentlessly Execute
Constantly striving and moving toward the desired outcome is paramount. Remaining focused on the goal and executing to the plan is the only way to achieve success.

Take time to examine the steps that are being taken and any adjustments that may be required. There are almost without fail disruptions, interruptions, and circumstances that demand consideration.

Go Off Script
When changes are prevalent, it is always an option to go off script and make changes to the plan you may have originally constructed. This does not mean that the goal has changed – only the pathway to achieve it.

Celebrate Success
Every step of the way there will be accomplishments – celebrate them. Then, as you round third base and run toward home plate, celebrate all that were involved in achieving the goal.

As Jerry concluded, he reminded everyone that it is up to each individual to set a course, follow the plan, and celebrate success. He also challenged attendees to view every challenge as an unforeseen opportunity. Ending his presentation, Jerry suggested that it is our sole responsibility to “make it a great day!”