Random act of kindness: It may be just a cup of coffee to you….

by Kyle Lentz, category analyst, for our Random Acts of Kindness blog series

…but when you have three children and they each want something different it can be a bit of a challenge. I was in line and I could see a mom with three kids was having a rough time getting what everyone wanted straight.  When she finally did, her coffee and treat order came to cup of cofee$18.50. That’s when I stepped in with my Random Acts of Kindness Challenge money that I carried with me wherever I went. I offered to pay for her order explaining that my company gave its employees who chose to participate, $30 to use to perform random acts of kindness. To say she was appreciative was an understatement! The person behind me jokingly asked if I had anymore left. I said, “As a matter of fact, I have $4 left,” and I proceeded to buy his coffee as well. The cashier got a big kick out of it.

Prior to my experience in the coffee shop, I had given $7 to the woman that comes in every month to care for the plants around the office at HRG. I told her how much I appreciated her stopping to chat every time she watered the plant by my desk, and that I wanted to buy her lunch. She gave me a big hug and wished me a Merry Christmas. The smile on her face made my day.