By Courtney T., for our Random Acts of Kindness blog series

When I initially read the company-wide email regarding the Random Act of Kindness Challenge, I knew right away it was something I wanted to be a part of. I’m a strong believer that a simple smile, holding a door open for someone, or even a genuine, “How are you?” can really help turn someone’s day around. A myriad of random acts of kindness ran through my head, and after doing some research, I decided I wanted to help a local shelter by donating some much needed items many people tend to take for granted.

I took the $30 I received and added about $30 more dollars to it, and from there I purchased toothbrushes and toothpaste for children and HopeHouse2adults, soap, body washes/shower gels, lotions, and body sprays. I thought about the idea that when you look good, you feel good, and part of that is good hygiene. Oftentimes people donate food and clothes, not realizing that personal care items are needed too. I gave all the items I purchased to Hope House of Milwaukee, an organization dedicated to ending homelessness and creating healthy communities.

When I dropped off the box of items, I was overwhelmed and overjoyed. The volunteers I spoke with were genuinely happy for the donation, and I was pleased that I was given the opportunity to help. Hamacher’s commitment to giving back continues to foster in me a responsibility to be a blessing to others, the same way this company has been to me.