Field Guides — Give Them the Right Tools for Fixture Resets

by Megan Moyer, senior marketing communications specialist, for Retail Environments

July 13, 2019

As the retail industry continues its rapid evolution, the entire supply chain seeks ways to streamline operations to remain competitive. Engaging customers with a fresh and relevant product assortment is a key component to building relationships and loyalty. For CPG brands that update product lines semi-annually or more often, ensuring that their products and displays are Field GuidesWhen seasonal updates need to occur, the more organized and simplified a brand can make it for their or their retailer’s merchandising team, the more efficiently the reset can be executed, reset in a timely manner is an ongoing challenge. Many candy manufacturers offer seasonal packaging and/or products, clothing brands reset for every season, and cosmetics companies reset their displays two or more times a year, to name a few. Improvements to this integral process that benefit all parties involved can lead to big savings. The larger a product’s distribution and the more stores it’s in, the more there is to gain.

Guides and videos

When seasonal updates need to occur, the more organized and simplified a brand can make it for their or their retailer’s merchandising team, the more efficiently the reset can be executed, bringing value for all. For those managing various retailers’ guidelines and multiple merchandisers or teams, structure and ease of use of the materials and instructions provided is a necessity.

A comprehensive merchandising guide can include all of the pertinent information needed for each retailer in one book or document, with planograms, shelf ID listings, fixture item numbers, and order forms for each retailer.

Some tools can make the reset process go more smoothly. A comprehensive merchandising guide can include all of the pertinent information needed for each retailer in one book or document. Supporting materials such as planograms, shelf ID listings, fixture item numbers, and order forms for each retailer can be included. If the book is physical, each retailer can be tabbed for quick navigation. If the document is instead intended to be accessed from a merchandiser’s tablet, there are other ways to separate the retailer information, depending on the point of access such as a portal.

Having the merchandising instructions, reference materials, and order forms for everyone in one place will make the merchandisers’ jobs much easier. They need only look in one place for essential information or documents, saving both time and frustration.

If the merchandisers do have tablets, videos also can be an easy and engaging tool. Videos that are only seconds long can make otherwise complicated resets seem a snap. Videos can include fixture swaps, graphics updates, and anything else that can be more easily conveyed in a short video than in paragraphs of text. If producing these types of videos isn’t feasible, line drawings can be considered for a visual way to direct users on the “how-tos” of the reset.


To make the most of any of these tools, take time up front to think about or get feedback about what is most useful to the merchandisers when they are in the field. Tools that go unused don’t benefit anyone, so taking the time in the planning stage to thoughtfully identify what is needed and the best way to convey it will be worth the investment. If you choose to build a digital merchandising guide, think about a backup plan if electronic devices or connectivity fail. Don’t forget to consider your team and their various learning styles; this may also give you direction for how to best construct your tools and make them available.

With the right tools, any job can be made easier.