Resolution: Make new resolutions for my store

by Tom Boyer, director of national accounts, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series The new year is right around the corner so it’s a good time to think about resolutions you can make not only for yourself, but also for your store. Here are a few ideas for store resolutions. Get your staff more […]

Understanding Keto – why the lifestyle diet is relevant to pharmacies

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the Step into Natural blog series Some independent retailers may have a difficult time identifying what is trending across the wellness landscape or which lifestyle diets are hot, resulting in missed opportunities to connect with customers around their self-care interests. Knowing what is popular with your patient base […]

‘Twas the Hour Before Opening

By Dave Wendland, vice president, strategic relations ‘Twas the hour before opening when all through the store, several creatures were stirring; the locks were on doors. The stocking was done on the store shelves with care, in hope that consumers soon would be there. The pharmacist was busily preparing some scripts. The clerks were in […]

Clean label – Are you confused yet?

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the Step into Natural blog series Clean Label. At first the definition of this phrase sounds as if it should be a simple one – a brand without harmful (dirty) chemicals. But what is meant by “harmful” or “dirty”? Or maybe it would be better to define clean […]

Resolution: Partner with neighborhood businesses for mutual growth

By Julie Bonnell, vice president of operations, for the Resolutions for Independent Pharmacies blog series Getting to know the other businesses in your area is a great way to springboard into attracting new customers. Understanding who is shopping their stores can help you refine your offerings to meet those customers’ needs and interests. Best of all, you […]

Soda fountain pharmacies

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager Beginning in the 1800s and continuing into the 1940s and 1950s, people enjoyed carbonated beverages at their local soda fountain. Often housed together with a pharmacy, the soda fountain counter was a public space where neighbors could socialize and exchange community news. However, the popularity of […]

Shopper views on medicine help determine what products to recommend and when

By Jen Johnston, CHHC, senior marketing services account manager, for the Step into Natural blog series How well do you understand the parents in your community? Are they naturally-inclined, conventional shoppers, or somewhere in between? As mentioned last summer, the answer to these questions can influence how you merchandise natural products in your pharmacy. But it […]

How to Sell Natural Products in Your Independent Pharmacy

  Written by and published in Elements magazine, September 14, 2018 Now’s the perfect time for independent community pharmacies to go natural. (When it comes to front-end products.) Why? Natural is the new normal. What once was merely a niche is going mainstream. The natural and organic product industry as a whole more than doubled from 2006 to […]