The Dollars and the Indies: Pt. 1

Posted by Jenny Kosek

Dollar General just received the 2013 Company of the Year in Retail award at the 11th Annual American Business Awards. With a 48% share in the dollar channel[1], it’s no wonder. While consumables lead sales in the dollar channel, OTC products are gaining strength. Not nearly done competing, dollar stores are now adding pharmacies, and small pharmacy should be watching what develops. 

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Finding the local pharmacy

by Jenny Kosek I’ve been taking the same route to work for the past four years. I drive on a busy street, popular with drivers looking to avoid the congestion on highways. Still, there’s a particular stretch of this road that can be prone to some back-ups, and I was stuck in one such delay yesterday … Read more

Embrace your “indie” mystique to reach the 2nd largest generation

by Jen Johnston The last time you thought about the millennial generation (gen Y) they may have been a bunch of ragtag middle schoolers whose only source of income was their weekly allowances from mom and dad. You may have had to watch that they didn’t steal candy or lip gloss, but they didn’t really … Read more

Appearance Matters

by Megan Moyer I enjoy shopping at drug stores, especially independents. I have fond memories of going to the drug store as a kid to get a candy bar and a comic book for the 5-hour drive to our grandparents’ house. My first job, in my teens, was at an independent pharmacy where I guess … Read more

Position your store as a wellness destination

by Megan Moyer What does wellness mean to you? I like this definition from the McKinley Health Center, University of Illinois: Wellness is a state of optimal well-being that is oriented toward maximizing an individual’s potential. I think we can all identify with that. Some within our industry have already moved from describing over-the-counter (OTC) … Read more

Retail staff: In-store search engines

by Jenny Kosek How did it come to this? 91% of consumers who shop online do so because they can research their buying decisions, and these shoppers trust online ratings and reviews by a 4:1 margin over the opinions of store employees. Why don’t shoppers trust store employees any more? Consumers who are turning to … Read more

Your product assortment can be your differentiator

by Megan Moyer We often talk to independent pharmacies about finding their niche in the community. The trouble is many indie pharmacists aren’t sure where to begin to figure this out. One place to start is to review your product assortment. A good approach is to look at your competitors, customers, and community. You can … Read more